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Bishop Noll announces top graduates

Bishop Noll Institute has announced its Graduates with Distinction for the class of 2025. These top academic seniors all earned a 4.0 or above GPA, grades that also determine valedictorian and salutatorian.
Valedictorian Anna De La Torre manages to balance her faith, extracurriculars and academics with the support of friends and teachers. 
“(BNI) was a very transformative experience,” said De La Torre, of Robertsdale. “I have met many friends and teachers who I feel changed the trajectory of my life in ways I cannot even fathom. They all encouraged me and helped me grow and mature as a person. I would not be the person I am today without them.”
De La Torre dedicated time to extracurriculars including marching band, National Honor Society and Speech. She also served as an altar server, leaning on her faith. 
“Whenever things get stressful, I always think that it’s going to be OK in the end no matter what because I know God would never let me fall.”
Salutatorian Zekiel Zukley, of Hammond, looks back on his high school experience with a focus on faith, adaptability and service, in addition to academic achievement. Zukley most enjoyed applying what he learned. 
“Learning Spanish in class, and using it to understand what other people say outside of it, and having the ability to use what I learn to get to where I want is fulfilling to me. It feels like an investment with a return,” said Zuklely.
A soccer, football and volleyball player, athletics played a significant role in Zukley's high school career and, while honored by the salutatorian title, Zukley said his proudest high school accomplishment was making Regionals in soccer and volleyball with his brothers.
In addition to De La Torre and Zukley, 21 seniors were named Graduates with Distinction.
Graduates with Distinction are, second row from left, Anais Reyna, of Schererville; Megan Virosztko, of Chicago’s Hegewisch neighborhood; Evelyn Hernandez, of Hammond; Alexandra Magallanes, of Hammond; Maisie Wragg, of Lansing; Jasmine Sarkanovich, of East Chicago; Arianna Gonzalez, of Chicago’s Hegewisch neighborhood; Karyme Rosas, of Hammond.
In the third row are Daniella Zvonar, of Whiting; Joshua Fierros, of Hammond; April Sepulveda, of Hammond; Angel Wilson, of East Chicago; Francisco Hermosillo, of Hammond; Janice Flores, of East Chicago. In the fourth row are Julian Villagomez, of Hammond; Augie Matushek, of Robertsdale; Dusan Knezevic, of Chicago’s East Side neighborhood; Sergio Meza, of East Chicago; Hailey Wojtaszek, of Hammond; Gianna Gaal, of Schererville. Not pictured is Samantha Ortiz, of Merrillville.
Bishop Noll Institute, a diverse, Catholic college preparatory school, partners with local faith communities to empower young adults to live their faith in Christ through ministry, scholarship, and leadership.