Retreats: We must retreat to move forward.
Retreats offer us the time, space, and context to reflect on our lives and grow as children of God. The busy pace of our lives and schedules often leave little to no time for prayer or self-reflection, so we take a few days to step away from the routine and examine it all.
Our day-to-day lives often take place in the same settings repeatedly, from our bedrooms and family rooms at home to the same hallways and rooms at school; retreats take us out of our normal environment and bring us to a place that is comfortable, quieter, and different to help us gain perspective. Moreover, the nature of lunch-table chatter, texting conversations, or Twitter exchanges can be light-hearted and fun but can also exclude more serious and pressing topics; on retreat, we try to slow down, trust each other, and forge bonds so that we can share what's really going on with each other and with God, and have a good time along the way. Retreats are meant to give us perspective that we take and apply to our lives going forward.
Students are required to participate in one retreat per year as a requirement for graduation. Sophomores, juniors, and seniors will rank their three options for retreat in order of preference with reasons for their choice at the start of the year (freshmen have only one date for their retreat and must attend that offering). The rosters will be finalized soon after, and students must inform Campus Ministry of conflicts at least 14 days before the retreat or their retreat fee will be irrevocably allocated toward that retreat. Students who miss the retreat they sign up for through BNI Campus Ministry are responsible for making arrangements to attend an equivalent retreat on their own time and at their own expense; the retreat must be approved by Campus Ministry, which recommends students attend the Diocese of Gary’s TAPT Retreat. Cell phones are not allowed on retreats; students must hand over their cell phone before they board the bus to leave school or present a signed note from a parent/guardian stating that the student does not have a phone in their possession.
Freshman Retreat: To welcome freshmen to Bishop Noll and get them started on their high-school faith journeys, the Freshmen Retreat occurs on campus and is led by Bishop Noll upperclassmen. The retreat helps freshmen become more comfortable by building community, confronting the challenges of high school, and becoming part of the Bishop Noll faith community. The day ends in a big Mass, inviting parents and families to share in this new beginning with their freshmen and celebrate our unity in Christ as a Church and a school.
El Camino (The Way; Sophomore Retreat): “El Camino” is a famous, traditional pilgrimage trail in northern Spain. For over 1000 years, people have walked this road following only a set of yellow arrows painted on rocks, trees, trails, and signs. Without a map, pilgrims reach the great cathedral in Santiago, built on the tomb of St. James. Sophomores will be shown “the way” on this overnight retreat – a simple progression that calls retreatants to reflect on self, others, and God. This helps us gain self-knowledge, strengthen our relationships, and grow closer to God. This was retreat was planned entirely by Bishop Noll’s Student Ministry Team.
FOR MORE INFORMATION: Sophomore Retreat is held at Lindenwood Retreat & Conference Center in Donaldson, IN. More information at
Kairos (Junior Retreat): Kairos, a Greek word that means, “God’s time,” calls juniors to embrace timelessness in this intensive four-day Catholic retreat. Kairos uses personal talks from peer and adult leaders, small- and large-group discussions, periods of silence and reflection, various integrated prayer experiences, and the Sacraments to invite teens to more seriously discover God in all things. The real value of Kairos occurs in living out the values of the retreat in one’s everyday life, so follow-up “Fourth Day Meetings” occur at school to sustain the impact of the retreat for all Kairos alumni.
FOR MORE INFORMATION: Kairos is held at LaSalle Manor, a retreat center in Plano, IL. More info at
Senior Retreat: Senior Retreat invites students in their final year of high school to confront, reflect on, and discuss challenging issues in their lives. Through communal activities, witness talks, small-group discussions, and larger forums, seniors will engage with topics like integrity, family and relationships, sexuality, identity, and drugs and alcohol. The retreat challenges them to be the best versions of themselves as they go off to college and grow into adulthood.
FOR MORE INFORMATION: Senior Retreat is held at Cabrini Retreat Center in Des Plaines, IL. More info at